
Getting to know your paints….

Making Color Cards: It’s easy and relaxing

I try to keep my collection of tube colors limited…..enough for variety, but not so many that I’m unable to get to know each one.

One technique that helps me to learn the capabilities of each color is to create “color cards”. These simple cards let me discover the range of colors that any color can create when mixed with one other of my colors in graduated amounts.

I begin by dividing a piece of w.c. paper into blocks with light pencil lines. My papers are 5” by 8”, but you can use whatever size works for you….it’s a good way to use “off cuts” from larger papers.

Start with a puddle of the lighter paint in a well of your palette. Then add a tiny bit of the second color and apply that in the block next to the pure color on your color card. Add another tiny bit of the darker color and put it in the next block, repeating the process until you’ve almost reached the pure second color.

As I add tiny amounts of purple to the orange, you can see the deep oranges that are produced. With more purple we’ll have some interesting browns and dark plum colors.

Use just two colors…..that’s important. And worn out brushes work just fine.

The dotted lines show the direction in which I move when adding the dark color to the light. Mine is a “snake-y” progression, but you can use whatever arrangement pleases you.

Put a sample of each color as it comes from the tube in a block….top and bottom.

So, put some music on and spend a few relaxing minutes making a color card. You’ll soon have a collection of beautiful colors (with “recipes” for making them) ready for your next project.